The program identifies Medicaid patients 60 and older who need full or partial dentures, bills the state plan for covered procedures, and draws upon a Delta Dental Community Care Foundation grant for the balance.
Community Impact
Screenings Save Lives: Greenebaum Center Launches Program to Screen Marylanders for Lung Cancer
The initiative aims to enhance community-based cancer screening and early detection, leading to earlier diagnosis and more treatment options for patients.
Meet UMB’s Public Servant of the Year
Kathleen Hoke, JD, developed and teaches the Public Health Law Clinic, engaging Maryland Carey Law students in the work of the Network for Public Health Law and the Legal Resource Center for Public Health Policy.
Community Impact Archives
A Community Effort: UMSSW’s Positive Schools Center Helps City Schools Build Relationships, Offer Services to Families
Ensuring children could attend school virtually last year was among its many efforts.
Body of Expertise: Graduate School Alumna Fahren Nipple Brings Experience from Office of Chief Medical Examiner to UMB Students
The autopsy assistant also is the assistant program director for the Master of Science in Forensic Medicine.
Extending Their Reach: UMSOM Addiction Experts Use Innovative Approaches to Help Remote Areas of the State
Programs address the state's opioid and addiction epidemic.
A Study in Outreach: UMSOP Offers Tutoring, Hands-On Learning To Youths
A Bridge to Academic Excellence offers free tutoring and mentoring for middle and high school students.
Ready and Waiting: UMB’s New Community Engagement Center Is Complete
The historic building at 16 S. Poppleton St. is seven times larger than the original center.
A Neighborly Thing to Do
The improved LNYW Program offers eligible employees a UMB grant of $16,000 — plus $2,500 from the city of Baltimore — to help with closing costs and down payments.
Connecting Neighbors to Jobs
After an eight-hour shift, Ayisha Harris has a half-hour to get to her second full-time job as a housekeeper in the Bressler Research Building at UMB.
Clinic Steps Up for Immigrants
To understand the work of the Immigration Clinic at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law, listen to the tale of J.R., whose name has been changed to protect his privacy.
A Strong Foundation: UMSOM Alumna Jennifer Gass, MD, FACS, Breaks New Ground as Breast Cancer Surgeon
As chief of surgery at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island and director of the Breast Health Center there at Brown University, she typically does about 200 surgeries a year.
Powerful Collaboration: UMSSW Leads Evaluation of Partnership to Empower Black and Latinx Women
Project will fund several opportunities for employed, asset-limited Black and Latinx women in Baltimore.
Healing Youth Alliance: Young Ambassadors Work to Promote Mental Health Awareness, Reduce Stigma in Black Community
After 24 weeks of training, the ambassadors are equipped to discuss coping strategies with peers.
Championing LGBTQIA+ Community: UMSOM’s Novak Serving on Maryland Commission
She applied for the appointment because she is concerned about the rise in discrimination against members of the LGBTQ+ community.
YouthWorks Works: Program Put Young City Student on Career Path to UMB’s Web Development Team
UMB's departments and offices can offer these types of opportunities to the young people of Baltimore through the summer program.
A Force for Jobs: CEC’s Initiatives Help Residents Build Skills and Find Work at UMB and UMMC
In addition to Workforce Wednesdays, the Community Engagement Center has teamed with nonprofit Humanim for its administrative assistants training.
Turning a Page: UMB’s Academy of Lifelong Learning Tutors Children in Reading
ALL found that the majority of students who participated in the fall made significant progress in their literacy skills during the program.
Fighting for Justice: Chacón Center for Immigrant Justice Offers Hope to Maryland’s Immigrant Community
Couple donates $5 million to establish the center and expand the work of Maryland Carey Law's Immigration Clinic.
Global Connections: School of Nursing Takes on Health Care Disparities with Global Learning for Health Equity Network
The network, housed at UMB, is built on the belief that interventions designed to eliminate health inequities in other countries may also work in U.S. communities.
Getting to Know Nadine Finigan-Carr
The executive director of the Center for Violence Prevention has focused her research on the social factors that lead communities into risky behaviors that lead to chronic disease, injury, and violence.
Preventing Violence at Its Roots: UMB’s Center for Violence Prevention’s Pioneering Approach
The center will connect the numerous research and clinical programs at UMB that address violence and the social determinants of health related to trauma.
“Art Brings All of Us Together”
UMB’s first piece of public art stands proudly at the corner of Baltimore and Pine streets, a 30-foot-tall kinetic sculpture by artist Eric Peltzer.
Wi-Fi for All: UMB Partners with Project Waves to Expand Internet Access to Baltimore Families
The project is bringing free access to hundreds of families.