Catalyst Magazine

Notable Quotes: UMB’s Numerous Speakers Series Give Guests a Voice on Current Affairs

“We have to be a more connected city because we have all these great institutions, all these great things happening. But we have to do something that we have been unwilling to do, which is tear down the silos, because we’re all working to help the same people.”

— Baltimore Mayor Brandon M. Scott, “Face to Face with President Bruce Jarrell” on Jan. 29

“First and foremost, to be an anti-racist, you must recognize that there are racial disparities and inequities in our society. And then you must ask, ‘What’s the cause of those disparities?’ ”

— Author and historian Ibram X. Kendi, PhD, MA, President’s Panel on Politics and Policy on Feb. 17

“I consulted people that were most important to me — my wife and my parents. And they were all telling me universally it’s time to try it out. And at the very least, even if it didn’t work out or if I couldn’t work full time as an actor, I could still go back and practice. You can’t be afraid of a shot that you haven’t taken yet. It’s OK if you fail, at least you tried it.”

Comedian and actor Ken Jeong, MD, discussing his decision to leave medicine to become a full-time actor, during a UMB alumni event on Feb. 23
Dr. Fauci

“It is very painful to see a community suffering so disproportionately from a disease in which there is help at hand. That’s why we really need to partner together to make sure that if there’s anything that we need to do [for you and your communities], we address that.”

Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health and chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden, during “Faith, Science, and Trust: African American Clergy & Community Conversation on COVID-19” on Jan. 19

“The reflections of Dr. King highlight what we are increasingly aware of today. We live in a dramatically more interdependent world where the impacts on the lives of people in one corner of the world have an indirect effect — or even sometimes a direct effect — on the lives of people a world away.”

Anthony K. Wutoh, PhD ’96, BSP ’90, RPh, Howard University provost and chief academic officer, during UMB’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Black History Month celebration on Feb. 4

“If you think that by making the correct diagnosis and prescribing the correct therapy you have served the patient and you’re done, then you are fooling yourself. You are not done. Far too many of our patients and families come with a broader context. They may have limited understanding of a healthy lifestyle and poor understanding of what we told them. And that’s on us. That’s our fault if they don’t understand. That’s for us to fix.”

Jay A. Perman, MD, chancellor, University System of Maryland, during the President’s Symposium on Health Literacy as a Social Determinant of Health on March 8

“I keep these rules of thumb in mind when I think about this work and how we lead as women and how we choose to show up: Live simply. Give more. Expect less. Free your mind from worry. Free your heart from hatred. There are many things I can’t control, but these are things that empower me personally. Holding these aspirations while also having compassion for myself and the acceptance of my own vulnerability is a tightrope I walk every day.”

DeRionne Pollard, PhD, MA, president, Montgomery College, during the Women’s History Month UMBrella Virtual Symposium on March 9

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Jen Badie

Jen Badie is the assistant director of editorial services in the Office of Communications and Public Affairs at the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

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