Catalyst Magazine
Former Maryland governor, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., JD, discusses politics off-scene with fellow former Maryland governor, Parris N. Glendening, PhD, MA, and Maryland Matters senior reporter Bruce DePuyt, moderator.

“We can differ on policy and still be civil and still be friends.”

— Former Gov. Parris Glendening on his President’s Panel on Politics and Policy fellow speaker, former Gov. Robert Ehrlich

As part of its educational experience, for students, staff, and faculty alike, UMB prides itself on bringing in interesting people to share their views on a wide array of topics. 
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CATALYST magazine

Executive Board

Lynne Henry, Laura Kozak, Larry Kushner, Jennifer Litchman, Thomas Sullivan, Kate Ostrowski


Lynne Henry

Managing Editor

Chris Zang

Assistant Editor

Kate Ostrowski

Photography Director

Matthew D’Agostino


Michelle Baffuto

Web Director

Amir Chamsaz

Marketing Manager

Kristi McGuire